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The AEVA formed in 1973 when the price of oil tripled overnight.  Soon afterwards the Association became incorporated in Victoria. 

In 2021, AEVA began to explore the option of transitioning to a not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee.  The Constitution, which had not been amended since 2014, was reviewed and a new Constitution was drafted, with legal advice received from Beck Legal.

At the 2021 Annual General Meeting, the membership overwhelmingly endorsed the new organisational structure of a Company Limited by Guarantee. After AEVA members made a number of recommendations to improve the draft Constitution of AEVA Ltd, an Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 14 July 2022.

At that meeting the following resolution was adopted overwhelmingly: “This Extraordinary General Meeting of AEVA Inc. endorses (a) the transition to a company limited by guarantee, and (b) the Constitution of AEVA Ltd. as set out in the notice for this Meeting".

The Constitution was amended at the Annual General Meetings held on 21 November 2022 and 4 November 2023. Details can be found in the minutes of these meetings. 

The current version of the Consitution (dated 7 November 2023) can be found here.