Register of Equipment
AEVA Tasmania owns some equipment that may be borrowed by members free of charge.
To borrow something you must be a current financial member. Submit your request to borrow equipment ahead of time to the secretary (, who will confirm membership and pass the request on to the branch committee. The equipment may be borrowed if the committee approves the request.
8x4 m marquee used for Agfest etc.
Description & Instructions
Storage Location: Selbourne
Large Banners
Ok, so you're probably not going to borrow these for your garden party. But this is as good a place as any for a record of what we have! Large banners made to fit over the marquee, plus two small triangle banners made from the spare material.
Storage Location: Selbourne (with the marquee).
We have two 48" TVs that we use at meetings and events. Both have HDMI and VGA inputs, and both can run video or still pictures from a USB stick.
One is stored in Launceston and the other is in Hobart.
Cable Covers
Six cable covers like the one in the picture.
Storage Location: Selbourne
Stop/Slow Bats
Two stop/slow bats as per the picture.
Storage Location: Selbourne
Artificial Turf
5 rolls, each approx 5x2 m.
Lightweight, each roll is under 10 kg.
Storage Location: Selbourne