18 Articles Found

Fuel excise or a road user charge - Why not both?

Fuel excise or a road user charge - Why not both?

The NSW government Department of Treasury are hosting a discussion on state-federal relations, and the way revenue is collected for transport infrastructure is in their sights. A proposal to charge EVs (and not ICEVs) a road user charge is being recommended, but the AEVA notes this is grossly unfair, and that a fairer way is possible.

EVNews 240 now out!

EVNews 240 now out!

64 page bumper 'iso' edition of EVNews now released. Includes: Update on the Australian and World markets New EV model news; How to maximise the DC advantage when EV traveling; The possible futures for DC charging; Member conversion reports .... and MUCH more! Go to Resources/EVNews newsletter to download your copy today!

Some thoughts on fuel cell (hydrogen) vehicles

The author explains why he is sceptical of fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) as the future mass market solution that battery EVs are already well on the way to becoming.