Hi to all AEVA Vic members (and in particular Geelong and region members) - am letting you know there is a Geelong sub-branch set-up meeting for interested members this Friday (7th), starting 7pm.

This meeting is to gauge the level of interest in setting up a Geelong region AEVA sub-branch. The group setting up the event is the Geelong Renew EV branch who are proposing to join AEVA as a formal branch and thereby gain the benefits of the national AEVA network and support.

The details of the meeting are:

When: Friday 7 August 2020, 7pm

Where: ONLINE. You can join the meeting by clicking here. If you haven't used Zoom before we recommend that you use zoom.us/test to setup and test your Zoom connection before trying to join the meeting.


Alternatively you can enter the meeting ID: 823 8552 3672 and passcode: 250815

There will be initial presentations from the AEVA national president (Chris Nash) and the AEVA Vic state secretary (Bryce Gaton).

After those brief talks, the group will follow their usual routine of an update on recent activity, upcoming EV events and updates from members regarding their EV conversions, as well as discuss the move to formally join AEVA as a sub-branch.

If you have come across interesting EV-related articles or news items during the month then forward details so that they can be shared at the meeting. You can also send along photos relating to your EV project progress.

Bryce Gaton: secretary AEVA Vic;

Blake Ramsey: Convenor Geelong EV interest group/proposed AEVA Geelong sub-branch