Sunday, November 8 2020

9 AM - 4 PM
Sunday, Nov 8, 2020 9 a.m.
Supported Event

The Mosman Craft Market is organised by the Mens' Shed annually each November as a major fund raising event and also to encourage community involvement in our activities.  Last year the WA branch of AEVA displayed over a dozen electric vehciles, including new production vehicles and converted cars.  AEVA will be back this year with another EV display.

The Market is held in the Shed (1 Perrott Close) and on the adjacent Tom Perrott Oval and can be reached by private vehicle (plenty of parking), bicycle, train (20 mins walk) and bus (5 mins walk).

The Market has evolved over the years to becoming a major component of Mosman Park community activity and now includes a special component plus a variety of food outlets and entertainment, including a special Children’s activity partially provided by "Rosie O", amongst others.

Invited Stall Holders are limited to those that create their products in Western Australia thus providing a local flavour to the occasion. We also invite local community groups to set up a stall in the Market area as an opportunity to broaden their exposure. The event includes not only Craft stalls, etc., but also features tours of our amazing Shed,