Wednesday, August 12 2020

7 PM - 9 PM
Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020 7 p.m.
Branch Meeting

Where: online, via the Zoom meeting program. (Login details have been sent to all Victorian members. If you haven't received them or are from outside Victoria - just email Bryce at

Date: Wednesday August 12th

Start: 7pm.


  1. 7pm: Welcome to the return to AEVA meetings from Victorian branch chair, Chris Nash
  2. 05: Brief intro from Bryce on how to get the best advantage from Zoom meetings
  3. 10: Talk from Tim Harrison on the roll-out of the EViE charging network
  4. 30: Q&A to Tim on EViE
  5. 40 – 8pm: Updates on AEVA work
  • Chair’s report
  • Secretary’s report
  • Treasurer’s report
  • EV News
  1. 8pm: general chit-chat over a cuppa/other drinks of choice.