Wednesday, November 24 2021

9:53 AM - 11:53 AM
Wednesday, Nov 24, 2021 9:53 a.m.
Branch Meeting

Yes it's time again for the local Cairns sub-branch to meet!

Date: Wednesday 24th of November

Time: 7pm for a 7.30 start

Location: Cairns Gateway Resort Conference Room.

Contact: Les Cook 0437 484 847


Feel free to come along wether you are just interested in electric vehicles, or own one.

There is a charger on site. Note: if it doesn't charge when you plug in your car, please just check the power has been turned on, on the main switch at the bottom of the bollard.



7 PM - 9 PM
Wednesday, Nov 24, 2021 7 p.m.
Branch Meeting

This meeting was held in the Paranaple Convention Centre at Devonport.
Agenda is here.
Minutes are here.

Our speaker this meeting was Mary Gill:

Mary currently works as Community Coordinator for RACT across the North, north-west, west and east coasts of Tasmania.  You may know her from her previous work in waste education for local government across northern Tasmania.  Mary drove a 2011 Honda Insight hybrid for 5 years, and has now been given a Hyundai Ioniq as a fleet car.  Mary spoke about her 'sink or swim' introduction to EVs via the fleet drive process.

The meeting was recorded via Zoom, you can view it here:

Sorry about the audio quality, we need to invest in some good microphones!  Mary's presentation is quite clear, you can jump directly to it via this direct link