Australian Electric Vehicle Association Directories List

The following businesses and organisations are financial members of the AEVA - please browse their services and support them!  If you would like your business or organisation to be listed here fill out this form and our secretary will be in touch!

Name Starts With: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1 Directory Found

Shortstay Chargers Custom EV charging solutions for your property. Whether you run a boutique hotel, serviced apartments, or a holiday park, we provide the expertise and technology to meet your needs - enhancing guest satisfaction and future-proofing your business.   The solutions we offer range from a basic option to a more advanced system that allows remote management and automated billing process.  We handle everything—from the initial consultation and site assessment to installation, launch and support. We provide a hassle-free, turnkey service …