Australian Electric Vehicle Association Directories List

The following businesses and organisations are financial members of the AEVA - please browse their services and support them!  If you would like your business or organisation to be listed here fill out this form and our secretary will be in touch!

Name Starts With: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

2 Directories Found

Gething Pty Ltd Gething tackles climate change by focussing on reducing emissions through energyefficiency, the transition to renewable energy and electrification. The purpose of Gething is to tackle climate change, with a focus on reducing emissionsthrough energy efficiency, the transition to renewable energy and electrification. We do thisby assisting organisations reduce greenhouse emissions at scale on a fee for service basis,and donating to not-for-profit environmental organisations so they can campaign for change. Climate adaptation and the welfare of vulnerable energy users are also …

Zero Automotive ZERO Automotive is a proprietary limited company based in Edwardstown, South Australia, some 5km from the state capital, Adelaide. ZERO Automotive primarily services the mining sector with innovative transport solutions that embrace electric vehicle technology which eliminate harmful emissions whilst delivering economic benefits to industry. The company was founded by two industry influencers: Dave Mitchell, who grew the race car component company Autosport Engineering into 4WD industry heavyweight High Performance Diesel and Tim Possingham, a renowned export marketing consultant with expertise within the global …